MMT Economics and Trading

Hi folks. My name is Mike Norman. You may know me from my blog, Mike Norman Economics,  or my many TV appearances.

I was a former member and floor trader on the CME, COMEX, NYMEX and NYFE. I am an economist by education and I support the Modern Monetary Theory of economics, which is the most concise  understanding of fiat money systems. (Floating exchange rates.)

I have been trading Forex my whole entire career. After years of winning and losing I devised a powerful system of trading that encorporates three things that I think are indespensible to winning in the Forex markets.

This is not about breaking trendlines or moving average crossovers or Fibonacci retracements. This is a sophisticated approach that combines qualitative, quantitative and behavioral elements. It's for the "big boys."

Basically, there are three components to the forex system that I teach

They are:

Market Composition + MMT + Mental Game

Let me explain...

Market Composition

Suppose you were in a poker game and you knew the hand of everyone at the table.  Do you think you  would have an advantage? Of course you would. That is what Market Composition is all about. I literally teach you how to find out what other traders are doing, what positioins they hold, who's in trouble, who's got a winning hand and who can press that winning hand?

By knowing these things you have an unbelievable edge. You can literally size up your opposition and use other people's money to protect or enhance both your probabilities and your position. Minimizing risk become academic and you can almost be certain of your gains. I went nearly TWO YEARS without a losing trade and that is over hundreds and hundreds of trades. You CAN predict the markets nearly every time with this information.

Modern Monetary Theory

Modern Monetary Theory or, MMT as it is referred to, is the most concise understanding of free-floating, non-convertible (fiat) money systems. Since 1971 the entire world pretty much operates this way. Curiously, though, many economists, policy makers and market participants are still stuck in the gold standard or, the era of fixed exchange rates. As I like to say, they are "out of paradigm."

Understanding the proper functioning of our monetary system is crucial for discerning long-term trends, the effects of policy (monetary, fiscal, etc) and capitalizing on these things. It is enormously helpful in getting past the "noise" and focusing on the real, fundamental effects of the types of programs and policies that governments and policy makers are implementing or suggesting. It helps to understand external shocks as well. In short, it is indispensible to savvy and profitable trading.

In my course I spend a lot of time teaching MMT and how it is is applied to trading. I like to boast that my course is the ONLY APPLIED MMT COURSE OUT THERE. There has been plenty of academic stuff written on MMT, but no one has developed a way to use it to make money investing, except me. It is all taught in my course.

Mental Game

Over the course of my career, which spans 35 years trading the markets, I have learned one thing: it's not the information or the methodology or any particular system that make you's you. What I mean by that is you win or lose based on your mental frame of mind, your abiltiy to be discliplined, control your emotions, stay focused and learn how to not sabotage yourself.

Over the course of my career, whether on the floor or off, I have known many, many, highly successful traders. There were short term traders, long term traders, technical traders, fundamental traders, quantitative traders, event driven name it, the list goes on and on. However, the common thread among all the successful winning traders was what I call their mental game. It was their mental game that made moeny for them, not any particular approach.

I went for years and years and  years makikng meony and then losig it back even though I was a very good analyst. My problem was, I was sabotagbing myself. It took me a long, long, time that the problem was  not with my methods, it was with me.

When I finally realized this I was able to take steps and train myself to change my behavior. I won't lie to you; that was a hard thing to do, but I did it and in the process I delveoped techniques and exercises that anyone can use to turn their mental game from failure to success.

I like to sya that without a proper mental game oyou can havfe the greatest inforamtion in the world. You can have iside information. A central bank president can ltieraly TELL you what he or she is going to do and you still won't make money.

On the other hand if you do yhave the proper mental game you can throw darts at a dart board and mek money. I mean that seriously.

So there  it is. That is my "system." I teach this for a number of reasons. First, I really want to help people as I know that so many sturggel with trading, but it's something they want to master.

Second, I believe that trading is emenantlatyey  teachable adn I want to prove tht by traiing an army of succesfful traders and, third, when I teach it helps me to improve my own trading. It is an incredible tool to havfe to explaoin to people what it is you do if you are good at something. It forces you to delve deeply into the process and in so doiong your become more enlightened. I havfe discovered so much about me, my own trading and the markets by giving these courses. I have bcomme a much btter trader.

That's the gist of my course.

Now let me tell yuou that I have been giving this course since 2009 and it has eveolved over the  years. Obvisouly, it goes woithout saying that I think it is  better now than it ever has been. This is a course that, when you master it, you will come out as a consistently profitable trader. If you don't beleive me check out some of the testimonials of tothers who havfe taken the course.

Read the testimaonials...

The breadth of Mike Norman’s knowledge and experience is belied by his breezy, upbeat, and entertaining teaching style. As he said, I’m not teaching you how to be a great analyst, there are a million books for that. I’m teaching you how to make money. The goal is ‘get the money’, which is so hard to remember if you are the type who likes to preen in front of the bathroom mirror that you’re the smartest guy in the room with charts and theories. Mike’s method is measured, strategic, and shrewd. What Mike teaches is what you need to ignore in order to be successful at this. Mike kinda’ slides it to you like a parent putting broccoli in the oh-boy green ice cream smoothie. Gee, that tastes good. Omigod, I learned something. Lastly, he is generous with what he knows, honest, and kind. -JEA

Your course was phenomenal! I can’t thank you enough for providing such a valuable course at such a great value. Your course was like getting a world class education condensed into one week. I didn’t know anything about Forex trading and the currency markets before attending your course but after 1 week I know so much. I really enjoyed learning about the 3 M’s…MMT, Market Composition and Mental Aspects of trading which allowed me to become a better trader and better market participant. You have a great way of explaining complex technical subjects and are very patient and understanding. Your course was great, you’re great and I can’t recommend your course enough. Thank you and best regards! -Sean

Whatever they teach you in regular forex courses, Mike blows it away in a unique fashion. First and foremost, Mike teaches you how not to lose your money, and he does so by means of mental approach, efficient market analysis, and clever application of MMT concepts to the markets. Nothing out there is structured like this unique approach. I came into the course expecting a lot of this since I’m an MMT supporter, but Mike really brought me a step further. Not a single loss in 3 days of active trading, even when we tried hard to have one. All thanks to his method and an absolutely friendly, forgiving approach. I wouldn’t have dared touch the forex market unprepared, and after this course i definitely have more than i asked for. -Ralph

Those are just a few. If you want to read more go here: Testimonials.

That's the course. It's 30 hours of intensive instuction on the very sophisticated and award-winning Oanda trading platform. I have been using Oanda for 15 years and I have friends on dealing desks as major banks here in New York who are blown away by the functionality of Oanda.

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Get my videos. Study the course and become a successful Forex trader. I am confident that this course will bring you the rewards you desire. Boost your income, gain more freedom and learn to master Forex markets and live the life of a trader.  Even if this is to be your pasttime or your hobby, it can be highly lucrative. I give you everything you need to succeed.

I want Mike Norman's video course that will make me a successful Forex trader! $250.

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